
The Trampshed Saltaire

Every so often, me steve and a few of the Saltaire set go along to the tramshed on a sunday night for a bit of a laugh.

Sunday night is most definitely a special night for "very special" people as it's singles night for the over 70's. Lawrence and I were on winge mode last sunday as it was the same old same old music and the same old same old clientele. Mainly old blokes with beer bellies circling around bev callard look a likes writhing on the dance floor...

The tramshed is bit of weird place on a sunday night as i think there are more gay men there than anyone else?? Go figure.

The previous time we were there i ended up counselling two women who'd tried asking me out until i broke the pink news. They both ended up pouring their hearts out about their gay sons and why was it all good looking men were gay...

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