
Out of Sink??!!!

just reaslisied i'm babling about nothing and forgetting to talk about the holiday to australia and bore you all to death. Anyway here's a picture of one of our girls. Me and steve are now parents to nine fish (one was brutal murdered by gin - the next doors cat!)

In the pond at the we have the Royalty - Diana, Camilla and Fergie (Gin killed Margaret in more ways that one!)

The kitchen we have the girls to little greedy gits which are fed to often and are nosy eaters too.

Finally the new additions have been a damp squib. We bought four shiney new fish to go in the pond at the back as and added bit of umph for the back yard competition(more about that later). They are bloody useless we want performing fish that scurry around at the top not boring buggers hidding at the bottom where you can't see them. We decided for the judging in august we may place some carrots in the ponds which look like fish....

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