
Euro Vision Party - Saltaire Douze Point!

Oh yes this years party will be bigger and better (or is that cheesier??) than last year. To celebrate the UKs cheesy pop entry by scooch we will be going europoptastic and also having an aftershow party.

Considering we were'nt having another big party this year we're not doing bad with about 20 on the "guest list"

Everyone has to dress as a european country and bring some food / drink from a european country. It's also like the united nation with our guests with friends from slovakia, austria, netherlands, ireland, croatia and not forgetting the UK.

One friend has'nt quite understood the costume idea as she's wearing a vera wang dress she's just bought. Not very euro is it, say that neither is israel....

Watch out for the pictures.....

Saltaire douze point!!!

Saltaire Best Back Passage Update!

here's a few pics of the progress for the back yard competition...


Edinburgh Trip

Our friend Rich invited me and steve upto Edinburgh for the weekend as his ex has an apartment up there and it's just been refurbed and he wanted us to test run it. The train only cost us £22 and free accomodation - i'd be rude not to!

Sadly no touristy shots really, unless you wanted interior shots of H&M, Zara, Jenners and john Lewis??? no thought not. The weather was fab i even caught a bit of a tan??!

Me and Rich went to see the old queens yacht britannia, steve's could'nt be arsed so went shopping! The thing that suprised me was that the interior was very simply decorated particularly the old queens bedroom, the living room looked a bit like south fork though.

We also went to the botanical gardens where steve had "plant issues" and photograph almost every single plant in the palm houses - getting ideas for the back garden comp and his artwork!

Saltaire Back Passage Competition 2007!

It's back again this year and the gloves are off to retain our title as the best passage of saltaire 2007. Kate's working on her weed garden look and steph just throwing money at her garden left right and centre. We've moved from oriental theme to a bali theme!!! like you do in the middle of saltaire... steve's already suggested that i'd be the fat budha.... cheeky sod!
Judging will be july so we've got 3 more months of fluffing and preening!
watch for the updates