My jobs getting weirder and weirder, last week i was wrestling around at work on the floor with a bloke in stocking and suspenders!
This week it gets even stranger...
Monday night we had opening night of the Merchants of Bollywood at St George's Hall. It's a bollywood musical which has been squeezed into St G's and is going down a storm.
About 20 minutes from the end of the show i had a call that a man had thrown some money at the stage. (I was thinking coins and drunks in the audience), as i was going up to investigate i heard a call over the radio that one of my guys was having a heated argument with a customers.
It turns out that a drunken bloke had thrown £500 worth of £10 notes off the dress circle and into the stalls below!!!
By now people were scrabbling around trying to get the money! He then threw another few hundred quid off the DC... at the end we only managed to get £120 back to the owner... This jobs just gets stranger!